Monday, September 30, 2019

Frankenstein V Bladerunner Essay

In what ways does a comparative study accentuate the distinctive contexts of Frankenstein and Blade Runner? The comparative study of texts, allows audiences to investigate the changing nature and interpretation of issues relating to humanity as they are interpreted in different contexts. Context allows audiences to relate to and understand the thoughts, decisions and actions of individuals within a text. Context provides the opportunity to develop and shape a new genre or interpret an existing genre in a new way. The comparative study of context allows for audiences to compare the changing values of societies over time. Literary techniques such as allusions, imagery and dialogue is used to shape context and can be used by composers to entertain, inform or persuade an audience or highlight and provide insight into interesting or noteworthy points. Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (1831) and Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner (Directors Cut-1992) individually utilise literary techniques to establish the context of their text within its time. The comparative study of these two texts highlights how texts are inevitably a product of their time however both texts present issues that explore the intricacies and complexities of all human experience. Shelley and Scott utilise distinctive contexts to explore the nature of humanity and ultimately question what makes us human. Frankenstein and Blade Runner exist to highlight how context affects the perceptions of the audience in regards to how a text is received over time thus highlighting how a comparative study of texts can accentuate distinctive contexts. The comparative study of texts depends on the context used to establish a relationship with the audience. Mary Shelley’s fiction novel Frankenstein (1831) is a hybrid product of 18th century Gothic-Romanticism. The text reflects recent challenges to the social order as a result of the English industrial revolution and the French revolution during the second half of the 18th century which highlighted the empowerment of the working class. Frankenstein is a work of epistolary prose fiction that is explored through multiple narrators such as the ‘monster’, Victor Frankenstein and Robert Walton. Frankenstein exists as a didactic tale that explores the morality of trying to subvert god thus providing a lesson in patriarchal hubris highlighting the arrogance of scientific discovery without any consideration of the moral or ethical implications. Frankenstein consequently explores the nature of obsession in undermining parental and moral responsibility and evoking fear in the creation-fear of the world, fear of man. Subsequently the leading antagonist of Blade Runner, Roy Batty, further elucidates the arrogance of obsession as he explains his plight, stating, ‘Quite an experience to live in fear, isn’t it? That’s what it is to be a slave†. Batty provides insight into the failure of creators to understand the emotional development of the creation which leads to its isolation and fear, causing the ensuing destruction of the ‘natural order’. Frankenstein utilises the characterisation of Victor, ‘I have described myself as always having been imbued with a fervent longing to penetrate the secrets of nature’ to explore the obsession for knowledge that formed part of Shelley’s context. The text therefore reflects the influences of recent scientific development such as Galvanism and evolutionary thought. The comparative study of contrasting textual forms allows context to influence different interpretations of a text. Ridley Scott’s speculative science fiction film Blade Runner (1992) employs extensive mis-en-scene to subvert the audience’s sense of setting and history-a suspension of belief- enabling contextually dependant perceptions of the film. The films’ setting reflects its context as it echoes the concept of imperfect vision that conceptualises the short-sightedness inherent in the pursuit of perfection. The film juxtaposes the seemingly inherent ethical pretexts of discovery with the scientific community that seeks to create a perfect race, thus Blade Runner’s scientific context becomes reminiscent of fascist Nazi Aryan ideology, IVF programs and the Human Genome project. Conversely Frankenstein utilises its sublime Swiss setting to increase the plausibility of the themes which allow them to resonate with audiences as they relate to the texts context. Contrasting textual form is used to highlight how the context of each text enables their concurrent themes to resonate and remain relevant to 21st century audiences. Distinctive contexts are accentuated through similar theme content. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly indicate that efforts to ‘defy’ the natural order are responsible for the enduring sense of misery and alienation that sustains the overall melancholic tone of both texts. Animal Imagery is used extensively within Blade Runner to reveal the primal nature of raw, native emotionof the ‘replicants’, a reflection of parental neglect which renders them incapable of understanding their emotions. Similarly Frankenstein juxtaposes the idyllic nature of childhood with the abandonment of parental responsibility to highlight the confusion behind the monsters ‘ugly’ exterior, therefore provide insight into creations’ place as the ultimate innocent of both texts. Frankenstein and Blade Runner establish the creations’ as the victims of both physical and emotional negligence who ultimately confront their creator to correct the flaw which isolates them from the world. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly utilise content to highlight the creations as the source of destruction to reveal the true nature of monstrosity, the senseless creators. The pursuit of knowledge at the expense of a moral framework is identified as the creators’ ultimate fatal flaw. As the creations of both texts reflect upon and highlight their unnatural qualities, they reveal how their creators can no longer attain the sublime. Victor highlights his exile from the sublime as he recounts how his actions and subsequent inaction ‘deprives the soul both of hope and fear’ contributing to his demise. Frankenstein and Blade Runner similarly evoke a development of critical literacy and knowledge of genre at a macro level that enables distinctive contexts to gain prominence and influence the understanding or interpretation of their respective genres as a whole. The contextualisation of Frankenstein and Blade Runner is used to provide insight into the reception of texts as it challenges the contemporary values of the audience. Frankenstein draws parallels with Greek mythology as it establishes Victor as a modern Prometheus while also addressing elements of Jewish mysticism as the ‘monster’ exhibits qualities similar to the golem of Prague. The text is also reminiscent of Godwin and Wollstonecraft, however, is inherently less optimistic about society’s realistically attainable level of perfection, both physically and economically. In stark contrast, Blade Runner addresses perfection as achievable in a commercial sense ‘commerce is our goal here at Tyrell’ however as Deckard states ‘nobody is perfect’ he highlights the shortcomings of forgoing the moral obligations inherent in the pursuit of commerce which ultimately enable an evaluation of humanities moral boundaries. Blade Runner pays homage to the representation (particularly through film and television) of the 1950’s detective film-noir to reveal a rendition of post-modern expressionism. The reflection of commerce as a postmodern cultural imperative establishes the relationship between socio-economic status and pastiche consumption. Consequently, humanity is ‘created’ and traded with this ‘transformation of everything into commodity’ (Byers, 1990) becoming a reflection of the context of Blade Runner following the collapse of the Soviet Union and the economic strength of the United States during the films production. In essence the distinctive context of Frankenstein and Blade Runner reflects the interpretation and perception of the genre, textual form and content over time. The comparative study of these distinctive contrasting contexts allows audiences to reflect on the enduring power of parental and moral responsibility, deliberate action or inaction and the features that define humanity. The key reflections in which the audience understands how they are positioned by composers as a result of their context is especially important in allowing moral assessments throughout the text. Frankenstein and Blade Runner are two texts who successfully explore the nature in which humans interpret their humanity as a response to a contextualised stimulus. Blade Runner ultimately reveals the establishment of emotional understanding as a definitive characteristic of being human, while incidentally Frankenstein explores the features of humanities collective consciousness which enable an individual to belong through emotional dependence. The comparative study of Frankenstein and Blade Runner allows audiences gain a further understanding into the way contexts are accentuated through assessments of conceptualised fiction which explore the themes and issues which forms the unique identity of humanity.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Nick’s Story

A. Which symptoms that Nick has described so far are relevant to the nervous system? Are his symptoms sensory, motor, or both? Nick has complained of burning and prickly pain in feet, clumsiness, dizziness when sitting or standing, and vision problems. These are symptoms of both sensory and motor nerve damage. B. Do you think the symptoms Nick describes are likely caused by peripheral nerve damage? Could they be caused by damage to the central nervous system? I believe there has been peripheral nerve damage because of the symptoms that he exhibits.It seems that his receptors are not effectively communicating back to the central nervous system; in addition he is losing his somatic reflexes in his feet, both indicating damage to his somatic nervous system. I guess there could be damage to the central nervous system, but I would expect that the symptoms would be even more severe. C. Diabetic neuropathies damage peripheral nerves. Which component of the reflex arc is most likely to be da maged in Nick’s situation? I think a lot of Nicks reflex arc damage would begin at the sensory neuron.Stimuli are still triggering the receptor, but the information isn’t traveling along the damaged sensory neuron to continue the arc to the integrating centers, motor neurons, and effectors, though the damage could be further along in the reflex arc providing basically the same symptoms. D. Which division of the autonomic nervous system would be affected and would be causing Nick’s GI tract symptoms? Because his digestion is suppressed I would say the sympathetic division is mainly active, inhibiting the gastrointestinal tract.So the parasympathetic division of his nervous system, which allows motility of the gastrointestinal tract, is primarily affected. E. Nick’s light-headedness is caused by a condition known as orthostatic hypotension, a rapid drop in blood pressure upon standing up. Based on what you have learned so far, how does the autonomic nervous system control blood pressure? The hypothalamus connects the parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions of the ANS by neurons in the brain and spinal cord and relay information.The posterior and lateral parts of the hypothalamus control the sympathetic division which constrict blood vessels and raise blood pressure. The anterior and medial parts of the hypothalamus control the parasympathetic division which lowers blood pressure. F. After becoming comatose, Nick was sweating profusely, and had rapid heart and respiratory rates and elevated blood pressure. Which area of the brain interacts with the autonomous nervous system during physical stress to initiate these responses? The hypothalamus . G. Nick has digestive symptoms indicating reduced gastrointestinal mobility.What autonomic receptors regulate closing of sphincters and relaxation of organ walls? Pelvic splanchnic nerves. H. Why would the term polyneuropathy be appropriate for the symptoms that Nick was experiencing? Because h is symptoms indicate that several different nerves and neural pathways were damaged. I. What symptoms noted by Nicks primary care physician indicated a polyneuropathy? Knowing that Nick was struggling to manage his diabetes definitely sent a red flag, additionally vision problems, feet problems, and balance issues indicated polyneuropathy. J.Why are Nicks generalized symptoms more indicative of a peripheral polyneuropathy than a central nervous system lesion to the brain or spinal cord? Because certain individual signals aren’t being interpreted and responded to effectively. K. Which of Nick’s systems were related to somatic reflexes? Which were related to autonomic reflexes? Somatic reflex issues were indicated by the lack of response in reflex and when nick wasn’t able to resist much to pressure against his foot. Autonomic reflexes were suppressed when Nick was unable to digest food, and increased when his blood pressure went up.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

8 Questions Your College Essay Should Answer

Your college essay should reflect your opinions and experiences and display clear and critical thinking. It’s more than a list of facts or a highlight reel of successes; it helps college admissions officers understand your character. So show them who you are. Set yourself apart from other candidates by painting a vivid picture of yourself. Colleges may provide writing prompts or leave the topic up to you. Whether requirements are specific or vague, your college essay should answer important questions to grab the attention of each college admissions officer who reads it. It depends . If you have a high GPA, competitive test scores, and stand-out extracurricular activities, acceptance is less likely to hinge on your essay. If you’re on the borderline, an essay can’t make up for inadequate scores or stats, but a good essay might give you the edge over another student. Even at top schools, college essays can make a difference by allowing your personality, passions, and determination to show through. Schools like students with a track record of success. Your essay can show them where you shine and what benefits you’d bring to their community. According to the College Board, â€Å"a majority of colleges and universities believe the essay to be of considerable or moderate importance in determining which academically qualified students they would choose.† Since colleges take essays seriously, you should, too. Including all the facts, feelings, and impressions necessary to set you apart in 600 words is a tall order, but you can do it. Below are questions your college essay might address to get the right kind of attention. Consider these common prompts before you write. Then write to the supplied prompt or choose your own focus. First create an outline and estimate how long each section should be before you start writing. Some schools put no upper limit on size, but if you write more than 700 words, overworked admissions officers become frustrated. Aim for about 550 to 600 words. If you mention specific things about a college, get the facts straight. Mention courses, programs, or opportunities that show you’ve done research. Don’t feel you need to praise the school too much. This isn’t about buttering people up; it’s about showing how you’d fit into the college environment. Share something specific to emphasize what makes you a good fit. Describe how the school would benefit from your presence. Mention planned majors or extracurriculars that show how you’d take advantage of their resources. Demonstrate that you’re ready to be active in classes, leadership opportunities, or other activities. Show that you’re self-aware. Share your plans. Don’t know what you’ll major in? Focus on your most likely general field of study. Discuss what drew you to it and what you’ll do in future. How is the college the best place for you to meet those goals? Focus on one or two; don’t mention too many things without addressing any in depth. This question assesses planning abilities and awareness of strengths. If you see yourself going on to graduate school, describe what you’ll study. Express how you’ll use undergraduate time to prepare for that future. Describe resources that will help you achieve your goals. Show that you’re open to considering further study once you see how you develop during college. Even if you don’t intend to go to grad school, demonstrate that you’re a devoted student. Focus on how you’ll benefit from undergraduate work. Describe how much it matters to have a first-rate undergrad education. Estimating your chance of getting into a college is not easy in today’s competitive environment. Thankfully, with our state-of-the-art software and data, we can analyze your academic and extracurricular profile and estimate your chances. Our profile analysis tool can also help you identify the improvement you need to make to enter your dream school. A cardinal rule of good writing is: Show, don’t tell. Don’t tell colleges how important something is— show them what you’ve done. Describe times when you’ve taken action. Write about instances when discipline and persistence helped you. Show evidence of initiative and determination. Describe examples of self-starting behavior so readers imagine you in action. Extracurriculars show evidence of determination, creativity, teamwork, passion, or civic-mindedness. They clarify what you value, what motivates you, what sets you apart. Give examples of ways you’ve pushed yourself outside of school. Which challenges did you overcome? Focus on one or two and make an impression with personal details. Describing extracurriculars that show talents and interests is valuable. Consider also showing concern for others. Have you volunteered, tutored, been a counselor, helped parents with their business, or worked after school? How do you challenge yourself as part of a team? Help readers see how well you’d integrate into their community. Don’t talk about lofty principles; give examples of problems you’ve solved. Write about ways in which you’ve overcome obstacles. Willingness to get help is good—knowing limits is healthy. Being willing to get assistance and learn from others is impressive. If you show how you’ve improved after getting help, you show willingness to stick to difficult tasks. Don’t list characteristics; focus on behaviors. Enthusiasm, attitude, and drive are easier to see if you explain that you used them to start a club, work at a dog shelter, or build a boat. Let readers imagine you doing and succeeding. Share times you did something you’re proud of. Let that behavior illuminate who you are. Once you’ve written your college essay, set it aside, then   re-read it with fresh eyes. Get at least one person (a teacher or counselor is ideal) to proofread i it. Show what you care about and what makes you different. Then you’ll really shine! If you’re supplied with a writing prompt, read it carefully. Your essay shows how well you follow directions. Some schools don’t ask a question or suggest a topic; those that do want to see that you address it directly. Don’t let your essay feel generic or written to answer a different prompt. What’s the reason for the prompt? What does the college hope to learn? Sarah Myers McGinty , author of The College Application Essay , says essays often uncover how well a student might fit at the school, or show whether a student can do the work. She says colleges tend to ask three kinds of questions: Before writing to a prompt, take time to consider what kind of question it asks. What is the college really interested in learning about you? Write to address that interest. Make answers specific and personal. Don’t write too broadly. Don’t tell your life story or echo the rest of your application. Focus on one thing in detail. Make your story something readers won’t find elsewhere. It should be less about experiences than about how you respond to them. Differentiate yourself from others. Don’t just describe what happened—reflect on it. Just telling a story isn’t the point. Giving a glimpse into how you think is more important. Show what insights you’ve gained from experiences. Creative doesn’t mean unfocused. If a college essay prompt is meant to show creativity, you must still write a detailed, logical essay with a point. Avoid meandering or pretention. Even off-the-wall prompts require well-written responses. Don’t let parents or teachers influence your style so much that you sound like they do. Write in your own voice. Also, stick to the truth; don’t embellish your history. Be careful with humor. Writing vividly without trying to be funny usually works best. Show enthusiasm but avoid jokes or humor that might offend or confuse admissions officers or professors who read what you write. Don’t write a sob story. Students often write about unusual challenges. Stories about adversity have built-in drama and evoke sympathy. But sympathy alone won’t get you admitted. Don’t rely too heavily on emotions; include important facts. If you focus on challenges, describe how you overcame them. Because college essays can be so important, consider taking advantage of ’s Essay Editing Program . specialists review and provide professional insights and suggestions to help students see how to write stronger, more coherent and appealing essays. Work with an essay specialist by signing up for the full program to improve overall essay-writing skills, or have a single essay reviewed as needed—it’s your choice. We don’t write student essays, of course, but we’ll help you craft a high-quality personal essay that attracts positive attention and sets you apart. For more ideas about writing a college essay, check out these articles in the blog:

Friday, September 27, 2019

Female Bloggers Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Female Bloggers - Assignment Example She has been on the blog since August 2004 and has had over 50, 000 profile views but the blog entries stop in September 2010. The blogger writes about her personal experiences and expresses her thoughts, views, and concerns about her family, friends and constantly gives an update about the situation in Iraq. This is a traditional blog as opposed to a news blog. Her journey begins as a new wife of an Iraqi man and she takes us through the changes she experiences over the course of six years. She also writes about her experiences of being a mother and gives detailed accounts of her visits to her motherland i.e. Iraq. In her last entry, she has thanked all her fans and discloses her permanent shift to the United States. She says that the new beginning of her life in the United States would not allow her to communicate via the blog and thus breaks the news of stopping any further blog entries (Neurotic Iraqi wife). She has a good writing style and articulates her thoughts well. It is very informal and there is no use of technical jargon which makes it easy to read. Her ideas are consistent, while her writing is coherent and fluent. Often when telling a story, she makes use of â€Å"anadiplosis†. This is when the same word or words are used at the end of a sentence and the beginning of a new one. She makes good use of this technique when she wants to grab the attention of the reader and overemphasize something. This example can be found in the following sentence where she writes â€Å"Today after all these years I stopped asking. I stopped asking †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦..† (Neurotic Iraqi wife). The blog has a background image of a woman standing in a mosque. The subtle brown color of the blog coupled with the light gold imprints of the writings gives it a very surreal touch. It is aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.  

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Managing Human Resources in Contemporary Organisations Essay

Managing Human Resources in Contemporary Organisations - Essay Example Organizations have adopted various strategies and approaches with the aim of overcoming the increasing challenges, as well as meeting or exceeding the set organizational goals and objectives (Redman & Wilkinson, 2009, p. 14). The shift from traditional personnel management to human resource management is one such example of how organizations adopt new approaches and strategies in a bid to increase their competitiveness and improve their performance (Martin-Alcazar, et al., 2012, p. 512). There has been an argument among management practitioners that the traditional personnel management is outdated and that organizations need to adopt a human resource management approach, in order to achieve their goals and objectives in the increasingly challenging business environment (Durovic, 2012, p. 83). This essay will, therefore, discuss whether organizations need to adopt human resource management approach in replacing traditional personnel management that is deemed to be outdated. ... Specifically, personnel management is majorly administrative record-keeping function that seeks to create and maintain employment conditions and terms that are equitable (Legge, 2004, p. 55). On the other hand, the human resource management aims at integrating the functions of traditional personnel management to corporate strategies and goals, as well as performing additional people-centered organizational developmental activities. Basically, it can be seen that the significant differences between these two approaches are in terms of application, approach, and scope (Tripathi, 2002, p. 33). As has been mentioned, personnel management is the traditional approach, while the human resource management is the modern approach. In other words, personnel management preceded human resource management (Storey, 2007, p. 97). The origins of personnel management can be traced to the welfare tradition in the post World War One period where more focus was put on meeting the basic needs of the emplo yees. As the dynamics in relations between management and trade unions changed, the responsibilities of personnel management grew beyond welfare to include areas such as effective personnel and industrial relations administration. Personnel management approach put more emphasis on the formulating and monitoring procedures and rules conformance (Torrington et al, 2002, p. 29). Over the last three decades, there were changes in the business environment that wERE brought about by increasing competition and developments in technology. As a result, customers began to have widened choices which prompted companies to keep innovating and providing the kind of

Environmental Management In Developing Countries Dissertation

Environmental Management In Developing Countries - Dissertation Example Environmental management is a branch of study which deals with the environment and its proper management to ensure that human activities have a minimum impact on the environment (Selin and Chevez, 1995). Environmental management does not directly take care of the environment by planting more trees or cleaning up polluted water bodies, but it indirectly helps to preserve the environment by taking strong measures against the organizations which cause pollution and environmental degradation. According to Sheldon and Yoxon (2006), the aspects which environmental management takes care of are activities such as manufacturing, services, and logistics of organizations. Environmental management system (EMS) is the programs which are adopted by organizations for implementing proper environmental management procedures. In EMS, the environmental programs of an organization are created in a more organized and systematic manner (Marguglio 1991). Therefore, the organizations which adopt EMS in their work procedure must include EMS in their organizational structure, each step of their manufacturing process, and include EMS in the resource development stage also. EMS is one of the most important concepts in the world today as the governments of the world are realizing the effects of environmental degradation (Born and Sonzogni 1995). A number of governments including India are encouraging the Indian corporate and manufacturing sectors to integrate EMS into their organizational structure. EMS has a number of benefits. Some of them include improving the environmental performance of an organization, helping an organization to systematically resolve any environmental issues that may come up, helping in a better understanding of the short term and long term effects of its manufacturing process, services or products.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Luxury Passenger Carrier Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The Luxury Passenger Carrier - Case Study Example The company has decided to raise the average fare to $ 205. If the tax rate is 30 percent, how many passengers per month are needed to generate an after-tax profit of $ 750,000? Â  f. (Use original data). Springfield Express is considering offering a discounted fare of $ 120, which the company believes would increase the load factor to 80 percent. Only the additional seats would be sold at the discounted fare. Additional monthly advertising cost would be $ 180,000. How much pre-tax income would the discounted fare provide Springfield Express if the company has 50 passenger train cars per day, 30 days per month? Â  g. Springfield Express has an opportunity to obtain a new route that would be traveled 20 times per month. The company believes it can sell seats at $ 175 on the route, but the load factor would be only 60 percent. Fixed cost would increase by $ 250,000 per month for additional personnel, additional passenger train cars, maintenance, and so on. Variable cost per passenger would remain at $ 70. Â  Springfield Express should be sure that its forecasts are correct.

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Strategic Management Accounting Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Strategic Management Accounting - Term Paper Example It does not really help the managers to assess what is best for the company (Bonaccorsi and Daraio, 2009). For example, the financial management of the company is able to indicate if it is appropriate to take more debt by considering the present liquid status of the company. The decision may not have any link with the short term or long term strategic objective of the company. Thus, financial management is not able to see beyond the limitations of the financial data. Strategic management on the other hand is equipped to see beyond and the cover the limitations of the basic financial management. The conclusion derived from the basic financial management techniques can be further modified if the same decision is taken in the light of the strategic objectives of the company. For example, the financial management indicates that the recourse to further debt financing is going to increase the debt burden f the company (Chrol, 2011). If the company considers going for a strategic alliance w ith another company then the financial condition of the company can improve. The revenue generation capacity will improve from the synergy gained from such strategic alliance. Strategic financial management considers these kinds of variables and factors to obtain the most optimal decision. Thus, though normal financial management analysis may conclude that the company should not use debt for financing the capital needs, though strategic management may recommend the use debt financing. The research paper discusses some of the uses of strategic management accounting like use of Return on Investment (ROI) and Economic Value Added (EVA), for long term decision purposes and different types of transfer pricing techniques. Part A Critical evaluation of the statement â€Å"Both Return on Investment (ROI) and Economic Value Added (EVA), when used as performance measures in an organisation, encourage managers to be short-term in their focus and decision making† The managers have a tend ency of using both ROI and EVA for performance evaluation for short term purposes. Although when it comes to using the two techniques for long term decision purposes the managers face difficulties in doing the same. The two types of techniques are different from each other in various respects and thus both of them need to be discussed separately to indicate the way they can be used for long term decision purposes. ROI is actually a combination of two different accounting heads, one is the asset turnover and the other one is the return on sales (Clark and Mathur, 2011). Return on the sales is indicative of the fact of (that) how efficient are managers in generating revenue for every dollar and the ability of the managers to control the expenses and the increase in revenue generating capacity. While asset turnover indicates the ability of the company to generate profit for every dollar invested. In between the two accounting heads asset turnover and return on sales, the focus will be on asset turnover. If the managers are able to modify the asset turnover value then ROI can be used for long term decision purposes. In order to control the asset turnover value the managers need to re-evaluate the policies regarding the capitalization and depreciation. Both aspects like investments and income are affected by the choice of the asset life and the type of depreciation method

Monday, September 23, 2019

Speech Analysis Rabbi Besser Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Speech Analysis Rabbi Besser - Essay Example What is even more, the speaker, namely his/her overall appearance and gesticulation, is also a factor in this equation. These three factors are perhaps the most important in effective public speaking. The purpose of this essay is for me to analyze a speech that I have heard, in terms of the above three factors, more specifically with regard to the guidelines of the Out-of-Class Delivery Form that I was given. I have chosen the speech of Rabbi Besser to analyze in this regard. Rabbi Besser is the Rabbi at my synagogue, and he was speaking at our weekly Saturday evening Havdalah. Starting from his physical appearance, Rabbi Besser looked very presentable in his dark suit and nicely polished shoes. The importance of personal dressing and grooming in public speaking is asserted by most writers of the topic. Rozakis states that not only the dressing of the speaker but his cleanliness is also very important (310 & 312). Condrill and Bough do not mention personal cleanliness separately, however, they do stress that the speaker should dress appropriately for the occasion (74). In this regard, Rabbi Besser was very well prepared for the speech, not only was he dressed well to suit the occasion, as I mentioned earlier, but he maintained good personal cleanliness that was quite apparent. Once Rabbi Besser started his speech, he started walking around the podium. I feel, that this took away from his speech as he moved around too much, causing the audience to be distracted by his movements. Though moving around can be a good method for holding the audience’s attention, however, I felt that the Rabbi used it excessively, causing a distraction. Moreover, the use of hand gestures by the Rabbi was excessive too. A gesticulation is a good tool in making a point in a speech; it sometimes helps elaborate what the speaker is trying to say. Additionally, gesticulation can also help the speaker in remembering certain key points of the speech.  Ã‚  

Saturday, September 21, 2019

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Social Media Essay Example for Free

The Advantage and Disadvantage of Using Social Media Essay The advantages: Based on my own experiences, there are several advantages for marketers to use social media as part of their marketing communications strategies. Social media represent a revolutionary new trend in communication. More and more people begin to use social media to communicate. It is freer, more convenient, faster and cheaper than the old ways, people also can get more information what they want, what is more, people can get in touch with their friend easier. For the company, it can face to their target market precisely. Social media hold a great deal of customers’ information, through the information that people share, company can easily know customers’ hobbits and the goods they like. Social media also increase the communication between customers and marketers. Company can get lots of users’ feedback information and use that information to improve their product. It also help the organization leave a good impression in customers’ minds. One of the most important things is that social media not only can help companies advertising well but also nearly have no costs. What social media bring for the company cannot be measured but the cost of it is really low. It lowers the company’s advertisement costs. Read more:  Essay on advantages and disadvantages of social media Disadvantages: Based on my own experience, the disadvantages or risks for marketers in using social media as part of their marketing communications strategy are as follows. Company’s web page can be attacked by hackers and viruses; it may lose company’s important information, company may lose their competitive advantages. Customers can be deceived by the false information online and the extra information may let them get annoyed. The negative comments may damage companies’ image. The use of the internet may cause the reduction of production efficiency, because employees may busy use the internet to solve the problem online or update their software so that waste times. Company should learn how to handle a social media and that may waste company’s time. Because the social media is not a â€Å"face to face† communication, so it can have many incredible situations, the information may be not real, the likelihood of people been fooled are greatly increased.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Effects of School Funding on Student Academic Achievement

Effects of School Funding on Student Academic Achievement Education Policy Analysis Maya Boyle Mike  Robinson Introduction Background For the past 50 years, SAT scores for high schools across the nation have been steadily falling. Because the SAT is a fairly consistent method of testing the academic aptitude of high-school age children, this trend is concerning. As it stands, by the standards of the College Board, high school academics are preparing students less and less adequately for the rigours of secondary education. This paper seeks to address what policy initiatives can be taken by states to raise these scores. Research I hypothesised at the beginning of the study that per capita expenditures on primary and secondary education would have a significant effect on SAT scores. By using multiple data sets: population data from the US Census Bureau, education expenditure results from the Department of Education, a partial data set from STATA, and participation levels by the College Board, I amassed a collection of variables that I considered to be most valuable to determining the relationship between state education policy and SAT scores Mean scores of college-bound seniors The SAT Stacks of college test prep books Basic Conclusions By analysing what I determined to be the most significant factors affecting SAT performance, I concluded that the factor which could most effectively boost SAT scores came on the heels of SAT participation. SAT scores were strongly correlated with participation levels. A greater percentage of high school students taking the exam in each state resulted in a weaker performance. A disproportionately high number of high-scoring participants take the SAT whether or not initiatives are undertaken by state governments or schools to boost participation. Those students typically score higher. The increase in participation of students taking the SAT will come from a portion of the population who otherwise would transition straight to career paths out of high school. Education initiatives typically give these students an opportunity to take the test, and these students typically score lower. Ultimately, from a policy perspective, the best way to boost scores is to ready the portion of students who are being given the opportunity to take the SAT through funding and other education initiatives. It is useless for them to take the exam if all it does is prove that they are not ready for college. Literature Review Zajonic, Robert B., Bargh, John A. Birth order, family size, and decline of SAT scores. American Psychologist 79.1 (1989): 179-197. Web. 4 Dec. 2012. The survey of SAT scores and birth order demonstrated that a negligible fraction of the decline in SAT scores can be explained by changes in family dynamics. In general, SAT scores showed little variation with birth order and family size, which was far less than that which was found in other data sets. Murray, Charles, and Richard J. Herrnstein. Whats Really behind the SAT-Score Decline?. Public Interest 106 (1992): 32-56. This survey of SAT scores and population distinguished between the separate populations of high school students who took the SAT and those who did not. Suggested that the greatest effect on the SAT-score decline was the regression of academic capabilities of high-school age teenagers. This possibly came from the ‘dumbing-down’ of textbooks Wharton, Yvonne L. List of Hypotheses Advanced to Explain the SAT Score Decline. (1976). The hypotheses analysed in this study suggested that changes in schools, society, population, and an increase in problems with the tests themselves are the greatest contributors to the decrease in SAT Scores. A list of variables: â€Å"The first major category (changes in the schools) is further broken down into hypotheses related to curriculum, institutional policies, teachers, and students. The second major category (changes in society) lists hypotheses related to family, religion, civil rights, crisis of values, national priorities, economic, labor movement in education, and technological changes. (Abstract)† Model Objective In this report, I will attempt to determine which two variables would most significantly positively effect mean SAT scores in college-bound high-school adolescents. An exhaustive list of the variables I used were: Mean Composite SAT scores, Mean Verbal, Mean Math, Geographical Region (dummy variable), Population, Per pupil expenditures (primary and secondary education), Government education spending, Median household income, Percent of High School graduates taking SAT. Models The primary models I used to determine which two variables that could be affected by state education policy were: Regressing SAT scores against government spending and income Regressing SAT scores against state population and percentage of high school students who took the SAT Regressing SAT scores against per pupil expenditures on primary and secondary education and percentage of high school students who took the SAT Finally, I developed a model with each of the variables that ultimately seemed most relevant: Regressing mean SAT scores, controlling for population, per pupil expenditures, median household income, and the percent of students taking the SAT. Hypothesis Before I ran the regressions, I hypothesised that the main factors affecting SAT performance would be median household and per pupil expenditures for primary and secondary education. I anticipated that states with a higher portion of domestic wealth would score better because there would be more local money going into infrastructure, and assumed that states with higher levels of spending on primary and secondary education would be higher because they reflect a greater education initiative. Methodology/Data Testing the Hypothesis For each regression, I focused most specifically on the coefficient, t-statistic, and r-squared result. Regression 1 I hypothesised that an increase in government spending will increase states’ SAT scores, controlling for median household income Null hypothesis was not proven What does this mean? R-squared: accounted for about 1/4 of the variance Coefficients were both negative Government spending raises, SAT scores decrease As median income increased, SAT scores decreased T-statistics Both are statistically significant y=-6.62*1071+-4.4581992+1107.044 Regression 2 I hypothesised that larger states receive more funding, and thus would have higher scores. Additionally, more people would lead to greater variance in scores Null hypothesis was not proven What does this mean? R-squared: accounted for about 82% of variance Coefficients: Negative relationship between both population and participation T-statistics: Participation is highly significant, population minimally. y=-1.24*1061-2.82+1021 Regression 3 I hypothesised that primary/secondary education funding would significantly play a role on SAT scores. Additionally, a larger pool of participants accounts for a wider breadth of performance Null hypothesis was not proven What does this mean? R-squared accounted for about 82% of variance Coefficients: Weak, positive relationship with funding, yet a stronger negative relationship with student participation T-statistics: Participation is highly significant y=.00432771-1.9841922+999.483 Regression 4 I hypothesised that funding for primary and secondary education and the percentage of high school students who take the exam will be most important Hypothesis proven true What does this mean? R-squared: accounted for about 88% of variance Coefficients: Expense, Participation, and Region 1 were negatively correlated; all the rest had positive effects T-statistics: Only participation was under -1.96; Regions 2 and 4 were over 1.96. These were the most significant. The t-statistic of population was at -1.94, which I considered significant for the intents and purposes of this data. y=-1.36*1061 + .00002822 .00660463 + 1.7964 -2.05165 2.3291556 + 45.0287 + 23.81498 + 989.8613 Analysis Regression 1 Government spending as a whole ultimately does not aid SAT performance. Regardless of whether or not it builds infrastructure, it seems as if funds set aside specifically for primary and secondary education are the most necessary to boost SAT scores. Additionally, I determined that- at least when it comes to SAT scores in high schoolchildren, Wealth does not denote academic success. As was determined from the methodology of regression 1, the statistical relevance of income and insignificance of government spending led me to reason that income played a greater role in determining SAT scores than government spending. Further, I questioned if the results for regression 1 had anything to do with causality, because the states that score more poorly on SATs will receive more money from the government to ameliorate educational infrastructure. Regression 2 Participation was negatively correlated with SAT scores, and significantly so. I reasoned that a base participation rate includes a skewed population of students who intend to go to college regardless of domestic initiatives to send high school students to college before allowing them into the workforce. Therefore, if more students choose to take the SAT, those students will be those who had not necessarily planned their high school education to ready them for the SAT. There scores thus will be lower. Regression 3 While the results of my first regression clearly suggested that government spending as a whole has little to no effect on SAT scores, I aimed to determine that per pupil expenditures on education for primary and secondary schooling had a strong positive correlation with students’ SAT readiness. This was not the case. Government education expenditures was loosely correlated with SAT scores, but not significantly so. This result could possibly have come from different years of availability for each variable. Many of the variables were derived from an old STATA data set that suited my intents, but I added other variables to develop a more individual project. Government spending was one of these variables, and the data may have been more recent than others. Further, as was the case with regression 2, the levels of participation played a strong and significant factor in determining the rate at which students would score on the SAT. The t-statistic was highly significant, so I trust that this correlation is true. I expect the population shift that I described in my previous analysis will still stand. Regression 4 Ultimately, I determined that as much as I had hoped that income and per-pupil education expenditures would have strong effects on the scoring of high schoolers on the SAT, because such effects are easily fixable through initiatives. I was wrong. Expense and income both were determined to be insignificant, with expense ultimately having a negative correlation with SAT scores. This cannot show the whole picture, however. Wealthier states traditionally have stronger educational infrastructures and students who perform better on the SAT. I can only assume that wealthier states are those which have educational initiatives to give more students the chance to take the SATs in the first place, and thus have a pool of lower-scoring students. Conversely, students in states with low median incomes had to have a significant personal initiative to take the Test in the first place. Therefore, the relationship between income and infrastructure is that which renders the relationship negative. Tables Table 1: Table of Means Table 2: Description of Data Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -+ state | 0 region | 50 2.54 1.128662 1 4 pop | 50 4962040 5459782 454000 2.98e+07 area | 50 70759.14 85796.76 1045 570374 csat | 51 944.098 66.93497 832 1093 -+ vsat | 51 447.8431 31.87562 395 515 msat | 51 496.2549 35.58418 435 578 percent | 51 35.76471 26.19281 4 81 expense | 51 5235.961 1401.155 2960 9259 income | 51 33.95657 6.423134 23.465 48.618 -+ high | 51 76.26078 5.588741 64.3 86.6 college | 51 20.02157 4.16578 12.3 33.3 spending | 51 1.75e+07 2.03e+07 270000 1.03e+08 participat~n | 51 39.33333 32.1538 3 93 Table 3: Regression 1 Table 4: Regression 2 Table 5: Regression 3 Table 6: Regression 4 Table 7: College Board Participation Rates Table 8: College Board Participation Rates (cont.) Basically this isn’t really done. 80 Mount Holyoke CollegeSAT Scores: An Econometrics Perspective 1

Thursday, September 19, 2019

The Trend Towards Fewer And Larger Farms As Economic Growth Occurs :: essays research papers

The Trend Towards Fewer and Larger Farms as Economic Growth Occurs The structure of US agriculture has been shaped towards less but the farms are larger. In the early times of this country, people could make a living on the 160 acres they had received from The Homestead Act of 1862. This act gave families clear titles to 160 acres if they had lived on it for five years. Though in today's changing world farmers have been forced to increase the sites of their operations or go out of the farming business. The farming business is a way of life to most of those who do it and do not want to quit doing it now but with the off of the farm incomes increasing all of the time it is making farmers change their way of life. The Agriculture Economics and Agribusiness textbook, sixth addition, says that there are three classifications of farms by economic size. The first classification is the expanding sector . This sector sales more than $100,000 per year of farm products, it is 16% of the farms in the US. It also produces 80% of all of the farm outputs or products in the US. The farms in this sector produce nearly all of the farm products produced the US but are only contribute to small parts of the farms in the US. The expanding sector of agriculture numbered 271,000 farms in the 1980's. This number increased to 326,000 farms by 1991. The off of the farm income of this sector is only $20,847 per farm. The total income per farm averaged $180,276 per year. This sectors main income comes from farming and very little of its income comes from off of the farm jobs. This sector is growing because there is becoming more big farms that produce most of our food.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The second sector is called the declining sector. This sector includes the farms that sold products between $20,000 and $99,000 worth of products a year. Those farms decreased from 637,000 in 1980 to 549,000 in 1991. These farms produced only 16%of the total farming output. The income for those farms operators averaged $47,018 per farm in 1991. This used to be the most popular sector of farming people made there living off of small farms like this but within the last 20 years this sector has decreased growth and is decreasing more all the time. These small farms are either being bought out by the larger farms or the owners of these farms could not make a living at it.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Littleton :: essays research papers

It seems for the past week or so, the entire world (yes, world, when I was in Spain they showed news coverage of this 24/7 too) has been shaken up by the school shootings in Littleton, CO (I think thats the name of the town, though don't hold me to that). What amazes me about this story is not the fact that two people went into a school and shot a bunch of people (apparently this is the seventh in-school multiple homicide in teh past 18 months), its the fact that the media has given extensive coverage this, and has exploited it for all its worth. I suppose with the impeachment trial over and done with, and the only thing remaining of that issue is a few jokes, the media needs something new to pounce on and make a dollar off of. And they have done just that. Everywhere I turn someone is talking about how terrible this tragedy is. Don't get me wrong, I think the senseless killing of people, which is pretty much what happened in this case, is wrong. The two boys who did this probably wa nted to kill themselves, and figured they'd make as big of an exit as possible, and in doing that, they have succeeded. Thats not the thing that really bothers me though, its the fact that a nation like America (and other nations too, most of my knowledge of what happened came from a British paper) can exploit something like this, and the masses can swallow it up. But I suppose it makes good news. Who is the sicker person in this case? The nazi boy who goes into a school, kills about ten people or so, or the average American who buys the newspaper with the headline of "NEO NAZI MASSACRES INNOCENT TEENS IN SCHOOL"? The boys who did this knew very well that if they were to pull off something like this, they would have the entire country (and others) all wrapped up in it. If they seriously wanted to kill people, and nothing else, they would have just blown up the entire school with everyone in it. But they didn't, and they have gotten everyone all caught up in the story. I've seen it described as "one of the worst tragedies in history". The people that make those statements have swallowed this lie hook, line, and sinker.

Women in the Cival War Essay -- essays research papers fc

Women in the Civil War The Civil War, which lasted for four long years, was a â€Å"total war† involving every aspect of society. During this time in one of the bloodiest of wars, northern and southern women were as equally involved as their male counterparts, if not more. Because of this war, women were forced to abandon their traditional roles of the 19th century, and participate in the war effort. Some fearless women disguised themselves as young men, and took on the role of soldiers, in order to show their patriotism. Some of the more cunning women freelanced as spies outside the government sphere, so that they could participate in the war. Others supported the war effort by taking on the roles of nurses who risked their lives on the battlefield; however, most of them worked in hospitals located in the rear. No matter how big or small the role they played during the civil war, the significance of their effort and support broadened beliefs about the abilities of women and what they could achieve outside of the home. One of the more significant roles that women played during the civil war was that of a soldier. Both Union and Confederate armies forbade the enlistment of women, so those that wanted to enlist, crossed gender boundaries and disguised themselves as young men and assumed masculine names. This war was not only a man’s fight, but it was also a woman’s fight. Female civil war soldiers, like the male soldiers, lived in camps, suffered in prisons and died for their respective causes. They were wounded prisoners of war, and killed in action. Going to war was strictly by choice and they were all aware of the risks involved. Many had never fired a rifle before much less contained the understanding of the army way of life, but nevertheless, they still managed and some were very successful. It was estimated that 400 women rolled up their pants, bound their breasts, and cut their hair, in order to enlist with the fighting forces. Among those that joined the Confederate Army ranks was Mrs. Amy Clarke, â€Å"who enlisted with her husband and continued service after he was killed at Shiloh. It was not until she was wounded a second time and captured by the Federal that Mrs. Amy Clarke’s gender was detected†. Female soldiers had plenty of guts; they did not faint at the sight of blood, nor did they swoon in unbearably hot weather. They endured the same physical and... ...ty, NY: Hanover House, 1954. The author of this book provided a plethora of biographies, techniques and accomplishments of women, who spied for the Union Army listing the most influential to the least. Markle, Donald C. Spies and Spymasters. New York : Hippocrene Books, 1994. This book gave examples of female spies from both the Union and the Confederate Armies. These examples included the most significant women and the methods they used that are still practiced in espionage today. United States National Park Service. â€Å"Clara Barton – Angel of the Battlefield.† Home page on-line. Available from; Internet; accessed 30 July 03. This article provided a brief biography of Clara Barton, to include, her experiences on the battlefield as a nurse during the Civil War and a brief outline of her accomplishments after the war. Zeinert, Karen. Elizabeth Van Lew: Southern Belle, Union Spy. New Jersey. Dillon Press,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  1995. The author gave an intimate view of one of the most significant spies during the Civil War with a thorough background of Elizabeth Van Lew, not leaving out her adventures and hilarious techniques used.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Groupon Strategy

1. How have companies like Groupon affected the pricing strategy of firms? Historically, companies have issued coupons in order to attract new business or irregular customers that seldom purchase a company’s products and/or services, with the hope that they come back more often. This is consistent with the idea that getting new customers is more expensive that maintaining a customer base.Companies’ approaches when issuing coupons have usually been one of three: 1) taking a small hit (loss) in order to stimulate subsequent buys (â€Å"loss leaders†), 2) incentives and bonuses (free items when another one is purchased), or 3) making a lower profit, but nevertheless a profit, by issuing price discrimination coupons. All in all, these approaches usually constitute a minimal economic encouragement that only super-couponers seem to really take advantage of.Groupon and its competitors, on the other hand, offer discounts that are usually much more aggressive, usually 50% or more off the retail price (keeping half of the transaction value for itself). Since these social, mass deals reach high numbers of consumers, these daily coupons that make available large discounts have eroded from the consumers’ minds the idea of a fixed retail price. Companies that do use the Groupon approach hope in the mass success of the discount and that a portion of those new customers will become regulars.But for companies that don’t adopt the Groupon model for issuing discounts, they risk losing or never getting those customers that don’t want to pay the full retail price, specially if those customers never bought any goods or services from them. Nowadays, companies’ pricing strategies that don’t consider the effect of online social coupons on their own margins might lose their appeal if they continue issuing regular, unattractive coupons that average consumers would not consider appealing enough. The consumer is not necessarily depend ent on the terms dictated by the vendor anymore. . How have companies like Groupon affected consumers’ perceptions of prices? For consumers other than super-couponers, meaning, those consumers that are not like bargains but don’t spend the time to hunt for the best deal, Groupon and its competitors have been revolutionary: these companies find attractive businesses, negotiate with them the deals, and deliver the coupons in convenient, effortless ways for consumers to find (online, in mobile devices, via e-mail and social media as friends’ recommendations, etc. ).For these consumers that didn’t or maybe couldn’t find the best deals, the best deals and finding them, making the purchase experience fast and convenient. And even for free, if enough of your friends buy a deal you recommended to them. In this sense, the buying experience has become a more interactive, social experience, where the best deals and shared and echoed online. This is making cus tomers exponentially smarted, maybe not about the true cost of products and discounts, but certainly about what they and their friends are willing to pay for them.Groupon has also broadened the standards of what consumers are willing to spend money on, especially when it comes to more unusual experiences that were not part of a buyer’s purchasing habits. As long a the price is low enough, Groupon is making it possible for consumers to spend their money on great deals for, likely, unnecessary but gratifying experiences, sharing with others the buying experience and, who know, a hot air balloon ride. 3. What is the downside for firms using Groupon? How can firms mitigate it?Some businesses have argued that the Groupon – offering deep discounts for daily deals, usually with a maximum number of coupons available – disproportionally benefits consumers more than businesses. These firms complain that discounts purchased on Groupon, for example, are great for attracting large crowds of customers who never materialize on the promise to become regular customers. This type of situations leaves the firm at a loss, having provided goods or service 75% below their retail price and without the returning customers to make up for it.To mitigate this, firms should work with Groupon and the like to find better ways to reinforce policies, such as making a deal available for first time customers only. Or by offering a discount that is only good if a required number of future purchases is pre-bought. Of course, these approaches would likely scare off a number of customers genuinely interested in assessing the quality of a product and service, not wanting further commitment. Psychologically, it might be hard for consumers to become regular customers and have to pay twice for a product or service they’ve already experienced for half the price.The best solution is for firms to offer such a high quality or differentiated product, service, and/or customer exp erience that costumers will want to come to come back. 4. What will be the long run effect of companies like Groupon? Groupon and similar companies will likely become the standard way coupons and discounts are offered to most consumers. Offering discounts through these firms will become an entry requirement for many new businesses, especially those offering more obscure or less common products and services.Nevertheless, any business in any market could potentially benefit from offering discounts through online social mass coupon firms, such as Groupon. Today, it has become a sound approach for firms that are not attracting enough buyers and traffic with their retail prices. If retailers don’t make the necessary adjustments to their pricing strategies now, they might have to come to Groupon or its competitors as a last resource to increase revenue through an attempt to increase consumer traffic and online buzz (added bonus advertising for using Groupon).It is unlikely most fir ms attempting to remain unchanged in regards to its pricing strategy will stay relevant for long; they must acknowledge the pricing threats of Groupon and the like. Customers, either by choice or by constant exposure to aggressive online discounts, are become smarter and savvier shoppers. The retail price is becoming dangerously easy to avoid for firms not willing to recognize new pricing strategies.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Long Attention Span May Be Resistant To Interruption Education Essay

The cause of giftedness is still problematic. It could be a familial or environment factor or both. Current believing suggests that the importance of the cistron is greater, though without appropriate nutriment, the talented kid ‘s possible can frequently stay unrealized. There are some indexs which may propose a kid is gifted. Some features of giftedness: Reads early with great comprehension Learns faster with less repeat and pattern Has a long attending span ; may be immune to interruption Understands and makes abstractions earlier ; may disregard inside informations Is funny and tends to inquire complex questions/Likes to cognize why and how things happen Is speedy to acknowledge relationships, including cause-effect ; may hold trouble accepting the unlogical Is bored with everyday undertakings Has big vocabulary and expresses himself good Is emotionally sensitive/may overreact Is a acute and watchful perceiver Evaluates facts, statements, and individuals critically/May be self-critical, impatient or critical of others High energy Learns by experimenting and manipulating objects ; attempts to happen replies to inquiries in unusual ways Is originative, imaginative and original. Displaies extremely developed sense of wit ; understands gags that age equal would non The above features of the talented kids set them apart from the others. We would be incorrect if we were to state that talented kids are all-around. The fact that this group of pupils who have been singled out and labeled as â€Å" talented † , are frequently mistaken as sole group of elitists. As a consequence, they are being left out from their equals. The giftedness do hold a great impact in their lives. The great disagreement between a talented kid ‘s strengths and failings makes him/her difficult to suit anyplace and therefore behavioural jobs occur. The perfectionism in talented pupils leads to high grade of self-criticism, competition and/or unrealistic public presentation outlooks. Hence, given the intense desire to fulfill wonder, they feel restricted in analysing a problem-based acquisition if there is clip allotment. Task would be excessively easy or excessively hard for them that limits the pupils ‘ possibility for success. The talented pupils normally do non hold accurate self-knowledge about their ability. They are ace sensitive to societal feedback. Their desire for independency leads to efforts to command the state of affairs. Unfortunately, instructors and others frequently have unrealistic outlooks of high public presentation in all countries systematically, but are uncomfortable with differentness and fear superior cognition. When individualism is non valued in for the talented pupils, it will take them to societal isolation because there is no positive function theoretical account present and that their desir es and abilities may non fit chances. When utilizing advanced job resolution, gifted pupils tend to pull strings their equals and instructor. They are non interested in memorisation, repeat, or lower degrees of believing. They are unable to command their emotions and easy frustrated, embarrassed or aggressive toward people who create obstructions. This hinders them to hold energy to prevail to completion of a end. This could be due to school activities, which are non differentiated or disputing or offer no deepness and complexness. Teachers should non label the talented pupils for their differences and avoid them. They label them to understand them, their background and their strengths so that they can make an inclusive acquisition environment. The instructors ‘ beliefs are really of import. Differences should be seen as a norm instead than the exclusion and that every kid is alone. The actions from the instructors can do a difference in the kid ‘s life be it at present or in the hereafter. When the instructors show regard and attention to the pupils, they influence the pupils to make the same to others To supply the demands of the talented pupils in the mainstream schoolrooms and maximise everyone ‘s chance and potency, instructors can tap on these attacks: collaborative acquisition, real-life context acquisition and autonomous acquisition. The ultimate end is to allow pupils to larn about the contents than the instructors giving all the replies, instructors ‘ function is to place cardinal constructs, rules and generalisation of content country indispensable for all pupils to hold on. Through collaborative acquisition, pupils with different strengths can work together and they process information in multiple ways, giving more thoughts to a group work. This helps talented pupils to expose their strength, pulling their wonder and sharing penetrations with the remainder of the category. In real-life context acquisition, pupils get to see what is taught beyond text editions, so that talented pupils would non easy acquire bored. And eventually, with autonomous acquisition, pupils get to take the country of involvements and read up utilizing multiple texts and a assortment of resource stuffs. These give freedom and independency for acquisition, and besides transfuse the ownership of the pupils ‘ work. â€Å" Cipher sees the air current ; neither you, nor I. But when the trees bow down their caputs, the air current is go throughing by. † Merely as we can non see the air current, we can non happen, run on, or transplant intelligence. Yet we see the working or manifestations of intelligence in the behaviours of people. Gifted pupils do non hold the ability to place their strengths, so make their equals and instructors. But if the instructors believe in them and set up a civilization that values and purchases on diverse endowments, non merely will the talented pupils will profit, all kids would be nurtured, developed and challenged in this inclusive acquisition community in a more pregnant manner. This is when we realize and treasure their intelligence. ( 1069 words )

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Salem Witch Trials and Real Hero

The real hero is always a hero by mistake, in my understanding this quote means, true acts of courage and bravery are always performed by people who do not intentionally set out to become heroes. I agree with this quote because a person can become a hero without realizing the impact they cause to the people around them, like they didn’t know they were going to do it, they just did it. And I’ll use the play The Crucible to justify my position.In the play The crucible, John Proctor one of the main characters displayed remarkable courage and heroism, John realizes that he must confess his sin of adultery to the courts, only to stop the fury in Salem. After he confesses, he encourages his wife to do the same, â€Å"Elizabeth, tell the truth! Elizabeth, I have confessed it!† He confesses his sin, and speaks those words, only because he is looking out for the good of the community, and others around him. He hates that his name is damaged, but feels that God will forgiv e him for it.Proctor accepted the truth for what it was, not because he had to, but because speaking words of truth are actions of an honest and prideful man, that’s why I consider him as a hero. In addition there is another character in this play that I consider as a hero too, his name is Giles Corey, in the play he is killed for two different things. One thing was that he would not give Danforth the name of the person who told him that Thomas Putnam was trying to get rid of the people in the town so that he could buy their land when they were gone. This is what originally got him arrested. Later they charged him as a witch and he would not answer his indictment.Because he didn’t answer his indictment they could not charge him with being a witch. Therefore, he saved his name and his pride. You can kill him and his wife but you are not taking his property. ‘’more wait’’ were his lasts two words. Betrayal and intolerance are some of the themes we can find in this book. The crucible is a story of betrayal, the betrayal between a husband and a wife within the sanctity of a conventional marriage. However, John Proctor who is guilty of infidelity is not alone. Many of the characters are guilty of betrayal.Abigail betrays her whole community in order to seduce John. Those who falsely confess to witchcraft betray their relationship with God and their church. Intolerance, The accusations throughout the witch trials are an expression of intolerance. In conclusion the people turned to the girls to rely on who was a witch. The  girls were led by Abigail she stunned everyone with her attitude and her ability to see the Devil. It also shows that you cannot always believe what you hear because it may not be true. It also tells us that man is not perfect, and that we can make mistakes. However, even with these mistakes, we can cleanse ourselves and purify ourselves by making what is wrong right.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Jesus Christ Essay

Hate is one of the human’s feelings. It is a complex subject to study its reasons, causes and consequences. Broadly saying hate in this or that manifestation is one of the reasons of the majority of the violent crimes. Hate is used as an ideological background for a number of violent acts ranging from the street and terrorist attacks to full scale wars. Hate may be either justified in this or that way or it may be impulsive, based on the race, religion, sexual orientation, ethnicity, or national origin. In the first case when the hate is caused by the unjust treatment it may be defined as rational, in the second one it is irrational (John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, 2003). One of the most significant examples of the hate group is Aryan Nations. Aryan Nations is a typical hate organization promoting the white race supremacy. It is the political arm of the †White Identity Church of Jesus Christ-Christian,† long led by Richard Butler. The movement promotes the heresy known as †Christian Identity. † (Apologetics Index, 2006). The ideological background of the Aryan Nations is anti-Semitism. Paramilitary hate group Aryan Nations was founded in the mid-1970s by Rev. Richard Girnt Butler, now 77 years old. It was formed around Butler’s Church of Jesus Christ Christian, one of the several hundred churches affiliated with â€Å"Identity,† a pseudo-theological hate movement. Identity doctrine maintains that Anglo-Saxons, not Jews, are the Biblical â€Å"chosen people,† that non-whites are â€Å"mud people† on the level of animals, and that Jews are â€Å"children of Satan. † (The Nizkor Project, 2006). The anti-Semitism has been of the main hate ideologies since the biblical times. It was utilized by the worst human hating regimes, the most vivid examples of which were the Fascist regimes in Germany and Italy. The anti-Semitism doctrine as an ideology compromised itself in the 20th century. Aryan Nations militantly advocates anti-Semitism and the establishment of a white racist state. A statement of beliefs on the Aryan Nations Web site declares: â€Å"The Jew is like a destroying virus that attacks our racial body to destroy our Aryan culture and purity of our race. Those of our Race who resist these attacks are called ‘chosen and faithful. ‘† (Aryan Nations/Church of Jesus Christ Christian, 2006). In their â€Å"Declaration of Independence† the ideologists of the Aryan Nations declare threat to the white Americans from the federal government which pursues the interests of the Jewish rulers. The ideologists of the Aryan Nations state that only the Anglo-Saxon, Germanic, Teutonic, Scandinavian, Celtic peoples are the descendants of biblical Adam and the rest are the descendants of Cain and they are the results of the Eve’s original sin. The Aryan Nations leaders identify the Jews as the main threat to the white race. This movement could be considered as political and a religious movement. This is one of the causes of the extreme danger of Aryan Nations. Violence is declared by the leaders of the group. The motto of the group as indicated in its web site is â€Å"Violence Solves Everything! †. Still the original biblical part of the ideology of the Aryan Nation has been completely confused because the calls for violence became the dominating ones. The ideologies of Aryan Nations declaring their Christian origin try to support their violent call with the Muslim militant motto â€Å"Allahu Akbar! † (http://www. aryan-nations. org/) thus bringing complete confusion into their ideological basis. According to Aryan Nations â€Å"That VIOLENCE â€Å"IS† THE ONLY SOLUTION! You can no longer look toward local, state or federal law enforcement authorities to protect you, your families or your interests from these invaders† (Aryan Nations web site, 2006). The â€Å"Christian† identity of Aryan Nations was expressed by the leader of the group August Kreis in his comments on the 9/11 attacks and his attitude towards Al-Qaeda, â€Å"†You say they’re terrorists, I say they’re freedom fighters. And I want to instill the same jihadic feeling in our peoples’ heart, in the Aryan race, that they have for their father, who they call Allah. † (Henry Schuster, March 29, 2005). Such sayings put off the religious part from the Aryan Nations ideology leaving the extremist one. Terror unites the â€Å"proponents† of some special â€Å"violent† Christianity and Mohammedanism. In fact the only things which may unite both groups are the hate, extremism and terror which they share as basic of their ideologies. In fact, Aryan Nations have a lot of common features with the extremist Muslim groups. They share the same anti-Semitism, they accept the same terror methods and they lack any constructive ideology. They both base their activity on the hate which is destructive in its nature. The numerous hate groups whose ideologies are based on the irrational hatred can hardly find any serious political support in such democratic and a multinational country as the United States. As for the connections of the hate groups with the Muslim extremists, they are not new. During the WWII the leader of the German Nazis Adolph Hitler tried to find the connections with the Muslim extremists. Moreover, some Nazis found refuge in Egypt and Syria after WWII. At the same time it is too early to speak about the real alliance between Neo-Nazis and Muslim extremists. Most likely the leaders of Aryan Nations express their desire to create such an alliance and it proves the ultimate danger of the group. â€Å"Mark Potok, of the Southern Poverty Law Center, said that while some U. S. extremists applauded the September 11 attacks, there is no indication of such an alliance — at least not yet, and not on a large scale. If it exists anywhere, he said, it is in the mind (and the Internet postings) of August Kreis. † (Henry Schuster, 2005). At the same time the Aryan Nations desire to link to the most dangerous terrorist organization confirms the fact that Aryan Nations may become the serious threat to the national security of the United States. Bibliography John R. Schafer, MA and Joe Navarro, MA, The seven-stage hate model: The psychopathology of hate groups, FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin/March 1, 2003, available at http://www. rickross. com/reference/hate_groups/hategroups355. html, retrieved 06. 12. 2006

Friday, September 13, 2019

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago Assignment

Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago - Assignment Example Sara, and Li, Hu, which is titled â€Å"Mapping Human Genetic Diversity on the Japanese Archipelago† and published in Advances in anthropology 1.2 (2011): 19-25. The article explores the origin and diversification of East Asian populations, specifically the Japanese people. The origin of the current population on the island of Japan remains unclear to date (Ding et al. 1). According to archeological evidence, â€Å"there might have been two waves of migration to the Japanese archipelago in prehistory: the Paleolithic and Neolithic Jomonese and the Aeneolithic Yayoiese† (Ding et al. 1). However, Ding et al. affirm that the contributions of these two groups to the â€Å"contemporary Japanese population remain unclear† (1). Ding et al.’s work anticipates providing evidence from human genetics as a new approach to addressing this topic. Ding et al.’s research specifically examines the Japanese human population, a key contributor to East Asian population s. The migration of the Japanese population to their present island remains debatable, a feature that inspired Ding et al. to carry out this research. The investigation carried out by Ding et al. anticipates shading more light on the origin of the Japanese population. Japan forms a substantial proportion of the East Asian population. Controversy still rages as to how the Japan population arose. Two major waves of migration to the Japanese archipelago in prehistory have been proposed. Despite the fact that other theories exist, this research focused on the two major ones. â€Å"The first wave of migration began 50,000 years BP and reached a climax about 10,000 years BP, giving rise to the Jomonese culture† (qtd. in Hisao et al., 1998 ). Considered as the most recent, â€Å"a second wave of migration traveled to the Japanese archipelago at 23,000 years BP, giving rise to the Yayoi culture† (Ding et al. 1). According to fossil records and human remains, the Yayoiese appar ently dominated the Japanese archipelago finalizing their expansion at about 300AD (qtd. in Chard, 1974). However, â€Å"the evidence from cranial morphology does not support a complete replacement of the Jomonese by the Yayoiese† (qtd. in Hanihara, 1984). Several theories explaining the origin and diversification of the Japanese exist (qtd. in Mizoguchi, 1986). The research done by Ding et al. used DNA and Y chromosome analyses to conclude the origin of contemporary Japanese from both maternal and paternal lineages. Molecular anthropological evidence seems more reliable when compared to historical, archeological or osteological studies, since the genetic material used in molecular anthropology tends to be continuous and maintains its integrity as its passed on from generation to generation (Ding et al.1). Historical, archeological or osteological studies are unreliable. When compared to other materials used in molecular anthropology studies, â€Å"Y chromosome and mtDNA pro ve to be the most powerful because of their abundance and ease of extraction† (qtd. in Zhang et al., 2007). By combining Y chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) and Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) information, none recombining region of Y chromosome (NRY) can be used to reveal the population migration and expansion history of modern human (Ding et al. 20). Studies have also shown that mtDNA has a maternal inheritance protocol and the population genetic characteristics of mtDNA resemble the NRY (Ding et al. 20). The investigation carried out by Ding et al. seems to present new data which support an existing theory. The research also re-analyzes existing data. The key objective aimed at illustrating the origin of the East Asian populations and specifically the Japanese people, using

Thursday, September 12, 2019

International trade and investment patterns Essay

International trade and investment patterns - Essay Example What is the significance of a single European Market for EU-based companies? What are international trade and investment theories involved in the economic integration of Europe? Given emerging economies like China and Russia, what is the significance of a single European Market for both the emerging economy and the EU-based companies? What strategies can EU companies adopt to benefit from the rise of the emerging economies? These are among the questions that will be addressed by this report. The primary objective for the report is to illustrate the importance of economic integration both for European business companies and the emerging economies. II. Main Purposes of the European Union and Forms of Economic Integration The official webpage of the European Union emphasised that one of the key goals of the European Union is to â€Å"foster economic cooperation† (Economic Union paragraph 20). However, â€Å"what began as a purely economic union also evolved into an organisation spanning all policy areas, from development aid to environment† and the name change from the European Economic Community (EEC) into the European Union or the EU in 1993 â€Å"reflected this change† (European Union paragraph 3). ... The forms of economic integration or regional integration are a regional trading arrangement, free trade area, a customs union, common market and the economic union (Carbaugh 271-273). A regional trade arrangement is an agreement whereby participating countries agree to reduce international trade tariffs among themselves (Carbaugh 271). In a free trade area, countries maintain lower tariff among them but maintain variable trade policies with other countries (Carbaugh 273). In a customs union, countries impose lower tariffs among member countries and harmonises a common trade policies with non-member countries (Carbaugh 273). A common market integrates the economies of member countries by calling for features similar to a customs union while allowing unhampered factor flows (labour and capital) at the same time (Carbaugh 273). In contrast, an economic union as represented by the European Union, has the features of a common market but, in addition, it calls for the fiscal and monetary integration (Carbaugh 273). Monetary integration in the EU shields Europe from the potentially harmful effects of a flexible exchange rate (Krugman & Obstfeld 617). Other than having a basis in trade theory, economic integration has a sound basis in investment theory. III. Investment Theory and the European Union Economic integration or economic unionism promotes a united Europe but what does it do for business and investments? At least two investment theories support the view that the economic integration of Europe is a step forward. One of the investment theories pertain to the theory of economy of scale (Denisia 57). Economic theory holds that scale influences returns from

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Discussion Board paragraph Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Discussion Board paragraph - Essay Example In criminological language, victimless crime is now expressed as Public order crime. Newman (2005) states that â€Å"The U.S. Government uses victimless crimes to control and manipulate its citizens. Prosecuting victimless crimes is driving our country into debt, destroying the Bill of Rights, destroying families and leaving more of our population in prison than any other country. Often the hysteria of victimless crimes traps innocent people and destroys their lives. Victimless crimes also erode respect for the law.†    There are convinced crimes, which may be measured as victimless crimes, which moreover are forbidden, or not. Certainly, almost everything can be forbidden (for instance not wearing a veil as a lady). This is merely a small list of genuine or historical illegal actions in western society that can be measured as victimless crimes. The laws beside victimless crimes are not straight intimidation to seclusion themselves. In criminalizing definite performance, society makes a verdict that there can be no personal importance in those actions. However victimless crime laws do bully the privacy of guiltless because of the scrutinizing and analysis they need for enforcement. No one of the contestant in a victimless crime will account it to authorities. To implement this kind of offense law, authorized authorities must employ in widespread observance, wiretapping, and close watch of suspected criminals and the community. Certain laws are: William Acton in his book â€Å"Prostitution† (1968) blames women for Prostitution when he says, â€Å""Every unchaste woman is not a prostitute. By unchastity a woman becomes liable to lose character, position, and the means of living; and when these are lost is too often reduced to prostitution for support, which, therefore, may be described as the trade adopted by all women who have abandoned an

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Analysis of Ernest Hemingways short story Soldiers Home Research Paper

Analysis of Ernest Hemingways short story Soldiers Home - Research Paper Example This paper will first analyze the main characters of the story, then will focus on the symbolic element in the story and will analyze it, finally ending with an analysis of the setting in the story. Character Analysis Harold Krebs: He is the protagonist and the story chronicles his war experiences, and his problem in adjusting to his home place. Krebs gets enlisted in the army and moves to Europe during the First World War, where he undergoes both enlightened and at the same time traumatic experiences. Tormented by those war experiences, Krebs reenters his home town but finds it difficult to live a normal life and interact with the people there. His dejection further accentuates, when the people in the town, avoid listening to his wartime stories. Due to pressure from his mother to marry and have children, Krebs becomes further disillusioned and even decides to move out of the town. However, towards the end of the story, he understands that he cannot keep on holding on to his war exp eriences, particularly when that negatively impacts his current life. He calmly decides not to think about his past as well as future, and instead take things as they come, and goes to see his sister play a baseball game. Thus, his character undergoes various transformations, from a war hero to a depressed soul, and then finally a nonchalant person. Mrs. Harold: Harold's mother is portrayed as a very religious woman, who feels for his son’s difficulty in adjusting to the normal life in the town. She tries her best to aid her son to come out of his post-war trauma, but that did not work out favorably. However, her efforts were more of pressure to Krebs than being constructive. Without understanding the trauma her son underwent in the war, she continuously nags Krebs to discard his war experiences and start living a normal life immediately. â€Å"Krebs' small-town mother cannot comprehend her son's struggles and sufferings caused by the war.† (Imamura 102). In addition, she further pushed him to get a job, marry a girl and have children, by comparing with other boys in the community. â€Å"The boys are all settling down; they’re all determined to get somewhere†¦ Charley Simmons, who is just your age has a good job and is going to be married† (Hemmingway 115). Thus, the character of Mrs. Harold is of a mother, who although wants a good life for his son, mistakenly pressurize him. Mr. Harold: Harold's father never makes any kind of direct appearance in the story, and instead he is mainly ‘referred’ by Mrs. Harold during her conversations with Krebs. Mrs. Harold uses the character of father mainly to validate the advices she gave to Krebs to make him return to normal life. â€Å"Your father thinks you have lost your ambition, that you haven't got a definite aim in life.† (Hemingway 115). However, it seems that Krebs did not have much of a father-son relationship with Mr. Harold, with the mother being the only com municator between them. Thus, the character of Mr. Harold does not have a major role to play. However, this â€Å"non-committal† presence of the father’s character in a way reflects the mindset of Krebs. As stated by Baerdemaeker (32), â€Å"in an extra Oedipal twist, Krebs becomes exactly like his father: non-committal.† Helen Krebs: Harold's younger sister, Helen is an indoor baseball player, and although she does not have a

Monday, September 9, 2019

Fundamentals of Communication Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Fundamentals of Communication - Essay Example His self concept is bolstered by the amount of success that he attains over a period of time and by the kind of appreciation that the people hold for him in essence. It makes him realize that he is doing something right and hence should be hailed by all and sundry. There is a dire need on his part that the people around him get his message and thus deliver their appreciation back to him. It would raise the bar that surrounds his environments as well as makes him feel elated on most of the occasions. One of the concepts that come about within this discussion center on the premise of bringing in his self identity in close contact with what he aspires to achieve, backed up with the motivational levels that shall make him feel successful at the end of the day. An individual might showcase a number of self identities and concepts that keep on changing as and when the need so arises. What is really required is a vision to set things right within the personality of the individual under cons ideration and thus find the one (self identity/concept) that closely matches with his profile and then go about doing the basics right towards the people at large and the society without any problems whatsoever. The self concept discussion is observable because many different representations are showcased every now and so often by the individual under consideration. This would mean that he is doing his best to tell everyone what kind of successes lie in store for him if he is being his real self and telling to the world about his strengths without any issues. The need here is to contemplate the fact that the self concept will remain detectable without any problems coming to the fore. It would also mean that he is being true to his own individual personality and not representing someone who he is not. If the same happens, his self concept and self identity domains would lose track and hence a totally new personality would emerge on the horizon.

Legitimation Problems in Late Capitalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Legitimation Problems in Late Capitalism - Essay Example The term 'legitimation' is derived from Weberian sociological tradition, whereas the term 'crisis' is a derivative of and from the Marxist analysis of Capitalism (Ramussen.1976). Let us first attempt to discuss the key terms 'legitimation and crises and how these terms although derivatives of earlier thought have been given new meanings through Habermasian analysis. It needs to be understood that Habermas has drawn critical distinctions, blurred but distinct boundaries between sociological evolution on the partly historical and partly sociological continuum. His estimation of advanced Capitalism is different from what Karl Marx analyzed and prophesied about. Marx had analyzed the Capitalism of liberal capitalism variety which functioned without state intervention; an Adam Smithsonian Laiisez-Fare capitalism. It had its own crisis, which Marx analyzed and perhaps predicted. Whereas the object or rather subjective focus of Habermasian analysis is modern, advanced capitalism with its un ique attributes of state intervention and its concomitant urge for a value structure of its own, it therefore has its own particular form of crisis relating to 'legitimation and eventually motivation' (ibid. pp.350). The term Legitimation has its roots in the Weberian tradition, 'in weberian usage the term occurs with its counterpart of domination' (Ramussen.1976), a legitimate stratification of order and for order in the society, expressed in the form of legal system, a codification of dominant values, whereas Habermasian Legitimation is devoid of its excess baggage of domination, and is based on 'communicative competence' (Habermas. 1975). Having discussed the key terms and their basis of occurring in the Habermasian analysis, let us now move on to attempting to trace the roots of this conceptualization. It may be argued that Habermas's point of departure about history of development of social theory is derived from Aristotle's distinction between episteme and phronesis, between science and prudence (Ramussen.1976). This distinction provides a useful preserve for politics from the stark and empiricist basis. Because ' the philosophy modeled on (pure episteme) would give priority to an elitist control, as natural science sought to control nature'(ibid). Therefore it may be understood that the precedence of phronesis over episteme forms the basis of core assumptions for Habermas. Moving further from these premises a brief reference can be made to Habermas's critique of Marx in interpretation of relationship of philosophy and science. The relationship between the two has been termed as ambiguous at best (ibid). However th e Habermas does not seem to agree with Marx's assumption that science itself would provide the grounds for the salvation of modern society. In Habermas's own view 'it is necessary, in light of the adjudged failure of Marx's analysis, to continue the quest of a critical theory of society which will eventuate in human liberation' (Habermas. 1976). It is now pertinent to take recourse to what Habermas has conceptualized. At the outset the argument begins with the stated purpose of achieving " A Social scientific Concept of Crisis" inimical to " State-regulated capitalism" (Habermas.1976.pp.1). Initially a theoretical framework is defined based on 'an

Sunday, September 8, 2019

The current world order is characterized by the exploitation of its Essay

The current world order is characterized by the exploitation of its workers - Essay Example The current world order is characterized by the exploitation of its workers A sizeable number of people are of the opinion that capitalism is the best model for society. Karl Marx was one of these individuals who opposed fervently on the consequences of capitalism on society and a country. In his philosophical works, Marx detailed the adverse effects of this economic model. In his sociological theories, Marx defines capitalism as the key factor that divides society into classes (Rupert, 2003, p183). These classes are because of their relationship to the various factors of production available in the country (Hoffman n.d, p235). According to Karl Marx, capitalism thrives on profits derived from the factors of production available. Corporations exploit their laborers’ wages to derive these profits; the corporations cannot be profitable without exploitation of workers (Bacher, 2007, p37). This conclusion by the Marxists is correct in accordance to the labor theory of value. This theory claims that the value of the product is dependent on the amount of labor put into producing the product (Rupert, 2003, p187). The workers create the value of the product. The returns obtained from the sale of the product are divided into profits, wages and cost of raw materials. This division of the returns favors the cost of raw materials and the profits generated by the corporation (Reiff, 2013, p41). The workers’ wages are neglected and do not reflect the actual value of their input into the finished product.